Industry Trends: Architecture 2030
Bob Hausmann, President of Entriq Solutions, has seen many trends evolve in the architectural industry over his career. Bob recently shared his thoughts on the rise in sustainability based design:

Long ago, as an architectural student, I was taught the value of good design: selection of a site, placement of the facility on the site, making use of durable products, staying abreast of new technologies, etc. When pulled together correctly, an architect creates a facility that addresses the owner’s needs, has lower operating costs, and is less impactful on our environment. It’s a matter of making informed decisions and doing the right thing from the beginning.
Architecture 2030 is a non-profit think tank formed in 2002 to push these concepts to new heights. Their mission is to rapidly transform the built environment from the major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions to a central part of the solution to the climate and energy crisis. Fourteen years later, it’s working.
Today, in North America alone, more than 10 major cities comprising nearly 200 million square feet of building-space have made the Architecture 2030 pledge. Owners, property managers, city leaders and other key influencers are coming together to reduce energy use, water use, and ground transportation. Cities such as Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Pittsburg, Seattle, and Toronto are committed to making a difference. You can learn more by visiting
Entriq has the passion and commitment to stay abreast of trends and technology. We specialize in helping our customers improve their bottom line by reducing their energy costs while improving their facilities.